Sponsorblog: Secupress

You know what can become another dead online document? A website without protection!

We really care about every website over here, specially WordPress because, well, it’s a choice to work on WordPress only. And with 29% of the market share, there is a lot a WordPress website over the Internet.

The concept of securing websites is not a new trend. Julio Potier is doing this as a Web Security Consultant since 2009 now, and playing with Web Security since 2002.

He created SecuPress last year. SecuPress is a WordPress Security Plugin like no other. It’s more than a plugin or a product, it’s a way of rethinking the WordPress Security with ease. Let’s understand why.

The first special thing is about its scanner. It will test your installation to give you a grade that indicates a gross level of security of your website.

Then – and again like no other – the 4 step wizard will guide you through a funnel of correction.

In no time, your website will be more secure AND in the same time, you already know what has been activated to protect your wesite against what, and why.

This particularity is important for the users, they want to understand what they are using, not just activating and checking boxes like donkeys. Users are not donkeys, they are the most important thing in a website.

Administrators, webmasters, authors, visitors, what is a website without them? A dead online document. That’s it.

We really care because SecuPress has been created with one main thing in mind: your security, this is why SecuPress has been created.

Test SecuPress Now For Free!